Communicating Beautifully to Bless Your Relationships: Interview with Carolyn Santos

Part One Audio

Part Two Audio

How to Speak Life to Our Relationships

Using our words is easy, especially when our only intention is merely to provide an outlet for our feelings.

But communicating and speaking life is hard. It involves intentionally going out of our way to understand someone and to feel their emotions. Is this even possible when we’re all made differently and we have different communication styles?

By our own efforts, it’s not possible. By the grace of God, it is very possible.

Whenever we approach our relationships, we need to approach it differently from the way we’re used to.

Our usual way of approaching conversations, even those with the people we hold dear, is always to be heard. We need to make them understand where we’re coming from. We need to make them listen to us. It’s all about us!

However, the Word of God says that we need to renew our minds so that we don’t act sinfully and selfishly. A renewed mind communicates with different intentions: to understand and to speak life to others.

As we go about our day, let us go out of our way to learn and to practice how we can encourage others and build them up. Let us approach our conversations, even the difficult ones, with the intention of understanding the other person and restoring our relationships. Let us also open our hearts humbly for correction, so we can become better versions of ourselves.

Our words have power. They can either tear us down or build us up. I hope we always choose the latter. I hope we always choose to communicate life to others. I hope we always choose to follow God’s example of communicating life and restoration to each of us.

“Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” —Ephesians 4:29


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