How Do We Lose Our Way In Life?

  • I think you go wrong in life. Maybe you haven't, but you'd have to have a compass. If you were traveling through life and trying to find the destiny for your life, the best direction of your life. I have a question for you this morning. I'm Jeffrey Paul, and this is your morning inspiration. And I'm just going to ask you, do you have a compass for your life?

    Do you have a compass to know, first of all, where you're at and then are you true north true north meaning are you really headed in the direction that you began on? You know, it's like, let's say a marriage, a marriage has its process of, of, of travel. You know, you meet somebody and you either inspired by them and you're touched by them and you fall in love with them.

    And then you move into marriage with them. And there's a fork in the road. Either this marriage continues to go in the right direction because they have a compass, they have the direction or divorced. What happens in a situation like that, or you start a career, you know, destiny that you want to become an astronaut, or you want to become a,

    you know, a hairdresser or you want to become whatever you want to become. And then suddenly you lose your direction. You lose your compass, you lose where you were going. How does that happen? How does that happen? Well, let's just talk a little bit about how that can happen and how you can find your compass and get back in the direction that you started.

    Or maybe you've been called to in so many times in the scriptures, especially Isaiah 30, I've left it here, just here in the, in the screen, as well as in the, in the comments and Isaiah 30 verses 15 through 22, it's worth reading often. I mean, because I need it very, very often, but it talks about an individual who is absolutely finding the,

    his way. He finds the, the voice of God. He finds the understanding of God. He, he is revealed the knowledge of his destiny, the plan that God has for him. But then he has this super natural process of thought. It says, I'm going to run faster than God's plan. I'm going to go in the direction, but I'm going to go with it with all energy all out.

    And I'm going to take every new, you know, sharp and shiny thing. And I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm going to go, I'm going to go for it. And it says that he ends up on the hill, like a Flagstaff with no flag, many. He lost his way. Now the good news in that scripture. And I'm blessed by it.

    It says that, but God waits anxiously to bring him back. Like he does all of us. But so often we get distracted in life, on her journey or a destiny. And when you have had the moment that I'm sure you have, if you come with here from morning to morning, you must had this moment. Let me ask you, if you had that moment where you've heard God in an inkling inside you show,

    you kind of pull back the curtain and reveal your future, reveal your career, reveal the relationship of the person in your life, reveal something to you. And then what, well then what is the most important part of it all? Because if you don't have a compass, you get lost. You start off with whatever it is, career relationship, marriage,

    your spiritual journey, and you don't have a compass. Well, what is that compass Jeffrey, please tell me what does that compass in your, in your bone was not that one that won't lead your life, that might get you to Disney world, but it's not going to lead your life, but hearing God's voice remaining close and allowing his true compass that he has given us each and every one of us,

    which is his word. And as we really seek at every crossroads of our life every day and in every circumstance, in every situation to really seek him with all our heart, the scripture says, we'll find our way. Jeremiah speaks of that. So often, especially in every chapter of 29, verses 11 through 14, if you seek him with all your heart,

    that means that if you're going to do anything, you need to have the compass of God's voice guiding you and leading you and the holy spirit, bringing you along and stopping you from going where the bridge might be out, going into a relationship that can destroy and demolish anything that you could imagine. And it's interesting in the book of Proverbs where the father takes the,

    I don't know how old the child is, but I'm thinking it's bar mitzvah, time, 16 years old. And he takes him to the window and he throws the, the shutters open. And he stands there with his son. And he begins to tell him about this road, the road of wisdom and knowledge and this road. So the road of the prostitute,

    and he begins to express the right way and the wrong way in the journey of life. And it is the most magnificent as a father and our grandfather, the ability to open the eyes of a child and we're children of God to reveal the free will that we have in the choice of our journey. And as we do that, my goodness, it's amazing.

    If we stand with our father, father, our God, and listen to what he says in the instructions of the crossroads, that we hit in life in the opportunities called them in life to leave the right path. Then as we listened to him, we take the right path. He gives the illumination of our steps. As the scripture talks about it.

    He straightens the crooked road. He says in his scriptures, he lowers the mountains. He raises the Baileys. He says in his scriptures and it gives us strength, divine power, and the ability to walk and not faint run and not become tired and sore like on wings of Eagles. If we're on the right path, that does mean doing everything right,

    and being perfect whole, not at all. That's why. Thank God we've got, you know, salvation, God, God's salvation of the cross of Calvary, this paid for every wrong move. So when we get, and that's what you'll learn in that Isaiah scripture, when we get the relationship of what I said in regards to off the track off the beaten track,

    missing the due north, the true north he's right there. It says in the scripture today, he's right there eager to bring you back to the path, to stand at the window with the, with the shutters opened up and say, now, listen, let's go through this again. This is the way this is the way walk in it, walking it with me.

    And there's one beautiful, beautiful term that is used in Matthew 1128 through 30 in the message Bible. It's the rhythm of grace. And as you want your day to day, life on your journey to eternity, but through all of the circumstances, situation, calendar, dates, and birthdays of this life. If you truly walk in the rhythm of grace,

    it's a different journey. It's a journey that is absolutely worth, truly listening to his voice, following his ways, and truly making him as your partner in your life long journey. Let me know what your thoughts are. In fact, let me know what you're going to take away from this. What's the one thing the one thing is I talked about yesterday,

    the, today you listening right now can take away from this, put it in the comments for me. What's the one thing today that we've shared in regards to the Isaiah 30 and the compass and the different things that I've shared with you. What's the one thing today that you'll take with you, write it in the comments and then write it on a tablet,

    write it on a post-it note, write it on your hand. Like the kids do whatever it is, write it out. So you really, truly will be motivated, inspired by this. And for sure, listen to that voice will lead you to the Right and you'll see, you'll see the fulfillment of your destiny that he has planned for. You have a beautiful day,

    see you tomorrow. Oh, so the weekend I'll see you Monday, but I may pop up anytime during the weekend. So you never know. The Lord might inspire me to do that.