The Love Affair That Transforms Lives

  • We're going to talk about a love affair. I don't know about you, but I sure hope you had a love affair, but we're not going to talk about the typical love affair that you might have between a man and a woman. We're going to talk about an incredible level of fear that transforms lives. Good morning. I'm Jeffrey Paul for your morning inspiration,

    and we're going to dive deep into the love subject. And I hope that you're willing and really wanting to learn more. Let me, let me take you to a couple of things that are really going to kind of touch you to scriptures that will represent what I want to share with you today that the Lord has been putting on my heart in the book of the songs for the song was sound of songs or called songs of Solomon.

    That is the old Testament, right near Psalms and Proverbs and Ecclesiastics. Solomon wrote a poem that was so powerful, so meaningful, and so metaphorical because although it represented a man and a woman going through their relationship and their search for each other and their wonder of each other, the representation was God, the lover, the male and the female, the beloved in love,

    like nothing we could write about or put into a card from hallmark. And that message in the song of songs is so powerful because it represents God's desire. God's will God's plan that you and he have a love affair. And so often we don't realize what love is because we don't get enough time to experience it. We're rushing around. And even if we get married,

    we're writing the to life right after the honeymoon, but here's a quote that I've got scrolling along the bottom. I want you to kind of really just meditate at what that says in regards to what love is love is to know, and to be known and desired by another. When you agree, if you agree, give me an agreement, let me know that you feel the same way that love is to know,

    and to be known and desired by another. We all are born with that God hole inside of us. We are all born with that need within us, but what happens somehow, somehow we missed the mark. Somehow distortion of love in the human understanding really messes it up or in the religious level of misinterpretation. We misunderstand the whole Bible is representative from the beginning of Genesis to the revelation,

    close the love affair of the lover of God Seeking desiring the encounter of lover, you and me, Jesus in John 17, he prayed for it. He prayed that we would know the love affair that he had with the father and that he had with us and wants us to have that same love affair so important. But let me take you to a scripture.

    I really want you to see this in the scripture itself. I want you to, let me read this to you. And I would almost recommend that you just close your eyes and let me read this from the message Bible and the representation of a fusions chapter three, verse 14 through 19. And I'm going to pray this for you. So this is kind of a prayer gift from me to you today,

    but let me, let me speak. As Paul spoke 2000 years ago today, as current is God is it says this, my response is to get down on my knees before the father, this magnificent father parcels out all heaven and birth. I ask him to strengthen you by his spirit that a brute strength, but a glorious, inner strength that Christ will live in you as you open the door and invite him in.

    And I asked him to give you both, both feet planted, firmly on love. You'll be able to take in with all the followers of Jesus, the extravagant dimensions of Christ's love, reach out and experience the breath, test its length, plumb. The depths rise to the Heights, live full lives, full in the fullness of God. God can do anything,

    you know, far more than you could ever ask or imagine or request in your wildest dreams. He does it and that pushing you around, but by working with us, his spirit deeply and gently within us. Wow, well, that's my prayer for you because so often we are missing the mark. We're looking for the right series of rules and we're looking for the right things to do,

    or we're looking for when we get ourselves, you know, transformed and into the place of that relationship of, of a better person. Well, I have another scrolling point here, and I want you to look at this quote came to me this morning, right? From my heart, from my journal. This is what it said, that I know the Lord spoke this to me.

    And it was really the very thing that I realized because I teach so often transformation that love love of God is the only power that can transform lives. Again, the true love of God is the only power that can transform lives. Romans talks about transforming lives and renewing your mind. We can't do that. You can't do that, but as you begin to truly become in depth in the,

    in the, in the relationship, the love of your songs of Solomon, I put the scriptures here that I want you to read, and I want you to take the time. Take the time. Love is worth. The time love is worth. The time your experience of my prayer for you is from putting your time into the word and the love of the word love a fear of is intimacy of talking to you in journaling his words down on paper.

    The real love affair is between you and God. And he will do anything for that. And he's proven it through Jesus on the cross and the resurrection. He loves you. He loves you more than you could ever ask or imagine, but I want you to realize that it takes time. It takes the ability for you to like a love affair, to gain the ability for yourself to know it is.

    I gave you that quote to know, and to be known in, understand his desire for you, men. It doesn't get better than that. It doesn't matter what you have or don't have. It doesn't matter how old you are or how young you are. It doesn't matter what the circumstances are in your life. When you have this love, this love,

    affair, all things, all things come together. All things really wraparound the physical part of you and eliminates that. And you go to a depth in your heart. That is absolutely beyond expression of words that I could ever give you. But I want you to experience it. I really want you to experience it. I want to also note something for you.

    I promise that I was going to announce this last week, but my team definitely said don't yet don't yet don't yet. We started a new podcast and it's called morning inspiration, and it's going to be every day. And we are so excited about it because beyond just interviews that I do on my other podcast, hearing God's voice, this particular is going to be these morning sessions.

    So you can listen to it after you get off work, or anytime that you want to listen to it, we're going to do Bible studies. We're going to do a question and answer. We're going to have a group discussions. It's going to be just an absolute inspiration, and it's not only gonna be mornings, but it's going to be in the mornings and Erin in the mornings.

    And it can be an every podcast system that you have. So I put the link and I'd like you to go and subscribe, but I put the link right here. I'll do it again. I'm going to put the link in here that you come and join us and truly, truly learn from it. Enjoy it. Be inspired by it, motivated,

    empowered by it because it truly is a programming that I believe God's calling all of us to, to be inspired by him. So we can go into this world that has so many shades of darkness, so many difficulties and challenges that we need inspiration. But without we talked about today, the love affair without the intimacy that knows that love never fails. That love never fails.

    And one more school that I'll put out there that love never, ever ends. There's no end to love. It's why we get ramped up into this understanding of love right now in this world where we're at. Can you imagine what it's going to be like when it explodes in eternity? So get on the launch pad of love. You don't love it today.

    Put your stuff on the side, put your things aside and put your worries and your fears and your anxiety aside, and just have a love affair today with God in his word. It's a beautiful day. We'll see it tomorrow.